Interesante articulo del blog de Manuel Becerra
El código tiene como objetivos:
- Devolverle al joven participante satisfacción y diversión.
- Concienciar a los adultos que los niños juegan para sentirse realizados y no necesariamente para satisfacer a los adultos o miembros del grupo de sus mayores.
- Estimular la participación en el Rugby, haciéndolo atractivo, seguro y agradable para todos los niños.
- Contribuir a que todos los participantes del Rugby comprendan las responsabilidades e implicancias de la libertad de elegir entre el juego leal y el desleal.
Código del Entrenador
- Sea razonable en sus demandas de tiempo, energía y entusiasmo de los jóvenes jugadores. Recuerde que tienen otros intereses.
- Enseñe a sus jugadores que las reglas del juego son acuerdos mutuos que nadie debe evadir o dejar de cumplir.
- Evite hacer jugar en demasía a los jugadores talentosos, los jugadores "promedio" necesitan y merecen igual tiempo.
- Recuerde que los niños juegan para entretenerse y para divertirse, y que ganar es tan solo una parte de ello. Nunca ridiculice o grite a los niños por cometer errores o porque se pierda un partido.
- Asegúrese que los elementos a utilizar por sus dirigidos sean apropiados a la edad de los mismos.
- La periodicidad y duración de los entrenamientos y partidos deberán ser acordes con la edad de los niños.
- Fomente el respeto del equipo para con las destrezas del equipo oponente, como así también hacia las decisiones de los árbitros y entrenadores contrarios.
- Siga los consejos de un médico para determinar cuándo un jugador lesionado puede jugar nuevamente.
- Recuerde que los niños necesitan un entrenador al cual poder respetar. Sea generoso con sus elogios cuando son merecidos y dé un buen ejemplo.
- Asuma el compromiso personal de mantenerse informado acerca de las reglas del juego y métodos de enseñanza.
- Ayude a que los niños comprendan las diferencias entre los partidos que ellos juegan y los partidos de adultos que presencian o ven en la TV.
- Inculque la importancia fundamental de la participación de sus jugadores en el "tercer tiempo" (El encuentro recién termina una vez finalizado el "tercer tiempo").
Código de Padres
- No obligue a practicar Rugby a un niño que no lo desea.
- Recuerde que los niños participan en el Rugby para su propia diversión, no para la suya.
- Aliente a su hijo a jugar siempre de acuerdo con las reglas.
- Enseñe a su hijo que el esfuerzo honesto es tan importante como la victoria a efecto que el resultado de cada partido sea aceptado sin una indebida desilusión.
- Convierta una derrota en victoria ayudando a su hijo a mejorar sus destrezas y a ser un buen deportista. Nunca ridiculice o grite a su hijo por cometer errores o porque se pierda un partido.
- Recuerde que los niños aprenden mejor mediante el ejemplo. Aplauda el buen juego de su equipo y el del equipo oponente.
- No cuestione públicamente las decisiones del árbitro y nunca su honestidad.
- Apoye todos los esfuerzos para eliminar los abusos físicos y verbales del Rugby infantil.
- Reconozca el valor y la importancia de los entrenadores voluntarios. Aportan su tiempo y esfuerzos para brindar una actividad recreativa a sus hijos.
- Ayude a que su hijo comprenda las diferencias entre los partidos que ellos juegan y los partidos de adultos que presencian o ven en la TV.
Código del Arbitro
- Adapte las reglas y reglamentaciones al nivel de destreza de los jugadores.
- Emplee el sentido común a fin de asegurar que el espíritu del juego, para los niños, no se pierda interrumpiendo excesivamente el partido.
- Las acciones hablan más que las palabras. Asegúrese que dentro y fuera de la cancha su comportamiento sea coherente con los principios del buen deportista.
- Elogie ambos equipos por su juego cada vez que ello sea merecido.
- Sea coherente, objetivo y cortés.
- Condene la mala jugada deliberada por ser poco deportiva, conservando de esta forma el respeto por el juego limpio.
- Asuma el compromiso personal de mantenerse informado acerca de los principios cabales de arbitraje, así como los principios del crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños.
- No olvide su tarea formativa. Asegúrese que sus fallos sean comprendidos por los jugadores.
Código de los Coordinadores
- Asegúrese que iguales oportunidades para participar en el Rugby sean ofrecidas a todos los niños, sin consideración. de habilidad, edad u otras circunstancias.
- Vigile que los entrenadores de su club creen las oportunidades para enseñar el espíritu deportivo, de la misma manera que lo hacen con las destrezas básicas.
- Aliente a los entrenadores a desarrollar destrezas básicas y evite la excesiva especialización en juego posicional durante los años formativos.
- Asegúrese que los elemento; a utilizar sean apropiados a la edad de los niños.
- Las reglas y la duración de las, programaciones deberán tener en consideración la edad y nivel de comprensión de los niños.
- Distribuya un coligo de ética sobre el buen deportista entre los espectadores, entrenadores, jugadores, árbitros y padres.
- Asegúrese que los padres, entrenadores, médicos y participantes comprendan su autoridad y responsabilidad para con el juego leal en el Rugby.
- Preocúpese de la capacitación de los entrenadores, proporcionándole la información a su alcance.
- Preocúpese de crear las condiciones para el cumplimiento del "tercer tiempo".
Código del Espectador
- Recuerde que los niños participan en deportes organizados para su propio entretenimiento. No están allí para entretenerlo a Ud. y no son "Pumas" en miniatura.
- Muestre su mejor comportamiento. No emplee lenguaje indebido ni hostigue a los jugadores, entrenadores o árbitros.
- Aplauda el buen juego de su propio equipo y el del equipo visitante.
- Demuestre respeto hacia los oponentes de su equipo. Sin ellos no habría partidos.
- Nunca ridiculice ni rete a un niño por cometer errores durante un partido.
- Condene el uso de la violencia en todas sus formas.
- Respete las decisiones del árbitro.
Código de los Jugadores
- Juega por el placer de hacerlo, no solamente para complacer, a tus padres.
- Juega de acuerdo con las reglas.
- Nunca discutas las decisiones del árbitro.
- Controla tu carácter, no gesticules.
- Esfuérzate de igual forma para tu propio bien y por el de tu equipo. El rendimiento de tu equipo mejorará, como así también el tuyo.
- Sé buen deportista. Aplaude todo buen juego, sea de tu propio equipo o del oponente.
- Trata a todos tus compañeros y a los oponentes, de la misma forma que quisieras ser tratado.
- Recuerda qué el propósito del juego es diversión, mejorar las destrezas y sentirse bien. Juega para tu equipo.
- Coopera con el entrenador, compañeros y oponentes, pues sin ellos no sería posible jugar el partido.
- Participa y disfruta del "tercer tiempo".
- Haz amigos jugando Rugby. Los resultados pasan, los amigos perduran.
Interesting article blog Manuel Becerra
The code aims to:
Devolverle the youngest participant satisfaction and fun.
Sensitize adults that children play to be made, and not necessarily to satisfy adults or members of the group of their elders.
Encourage participation in the Rugby, making it attractive, safe and enjoyable for all children.
Contribute to all participants rugby understand the responsibilities and implications for the freedom to choose the game fair and unfair.
Code Coach
Be reasonable in their demands of time, energy and enthusiasm of young players. Remember that they have other interests.
Teach your players that the ground rules are mutual agreements that nobody should evade or fail.
Avoid making too much play to the talented players, players' average 'need and deserve equal time.
Remember that children play for entertainment and for fun, and that winning is only one part of it. Never ridiculice or yell at children for making mistakes or because they lose a game.
Be sure that the elements used are appropriate for their run at the age of the same.
The frequency and duration of the training and matches should be commensurate with the age of the children.
Encourage respect for the team to the skills of computer opponent, as well as to the decisions of referees and coaches contrary.
Follow the advice of a physician to determine when an injured player can play again.
Remember that children need a coach which can respect. Be generous with his praise when deserved and give a good example.
Take personal commitment to stay informed about the rules and methods of teaching.
Helping children to understand the differences among the parties that they play and the adult parties who witness or see on TV.
Inculque the critical importance of the participation of its players in the "third time" (The meeting ends just after the "third time").
Parents Code
Rugby practice not compel a child who does not want.
Remember that children participate in rugby for his own amusement, not theirs.
Encourage your child to always play according to the rules.
Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory to effect that the outcome of each match will be accepted without undue disappointment.
Turn defeat into victory by helping your child improve their skills and to be a good athlete. Never ridiculice or yell at your child for making mistakes or because they lose a game.
Remember that children learn best by example. Clap good games and the team's opponent.
Not publicly questioned the referee's decisions and never his honesty.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse of child Rugby.
Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They contribute their time and efforts to provide a recreational activity for their children.
Help your child understand the differences between the parties that they are playing games and adults who witness or see on TV.
Code Referee
Adapt the rules and regulations to the level of skill of the players.
Use common sense to ensure that the spirit of the game, for children, is not lost too interrupting the match.
Actions speak louder than words. Be sure that inside and outside the court his behavior is consistent with the principles of good sportsman.
Praise for his game both teams whenever this is deserved.
Be consistent, objective and courteous.
Order bad move deliberately being little sports, thus preserving respect for fair play.
Understand the personal commitment to remain informed of the full arbitration principles and the principles of growth and development of children.
Do not forget your formative task. Make sure that your failures are covered by the players.
Code Coordinators
Ensure equal opportunity to participate in the Rugby are offered to all children, regardless. Skill, age or other circumstances.
Watch that his club coaches create the opportunities for teaching sportsmanship, the same way they do with the basic skills.
Encourage coaches to develop basic skills and avoid excessive specialization side position during the formative years.
Ensure that element, using appropriate to the age of the children.
The rules and the duration of, planning must take into consideration the age and level of understanding of children.
Distribute a coligo ethics on good athlete among the spectators, coaches, players, referees and parents.
Make sure that parents, coaches, doctors and participants understand their authority and responsibility to play fair in Rugby.
Preocúpese the training of coaches, providing information at your fingertips.
Preocúpese to create conditions for fulfilling the "third time".
Spectator Code
Remember that children involved in organized sports for their own entertainment. They are not there to entretenerlo you. And they are not "Pumas" in miniature.
Show your best behavior. Do not use improper language or harass the players, coaches or referees.
Clap good game of his own team and the visiting team.
Show respect for the opponents of his team. Without them there would be no games.
Never ridiculice nor rete a child for making mistakes during a game.
Condemn the use of violence in all its forms.
Respect the decisions of the referee.
Code for Players
Play for the pleasure of doing so, not just to please, your parents.
Play according to the rules.
Never discutas decisions of the referee.
It controls your character, not gesticules.
Do your best in the same way for your own sake and for that of your team. The performance of your team will improve, as well as yours.
Be good athlete. He applauded every good game, regardless of your own team or the opponent.
Treat all of your colleagues and opponents in the same way you would be treated.
Remember what the purpose of the game is fun, improve skills and feel good. Play for your team.
Cooperates with the coach, colleagues and opponents, because without them it would not be possible to play the game.
Join and enjoy the "third time".
Make friends playing rugby. The results go, friends endure.
The code aims to:
Devolverle the youngest participant satisfaction and fun.
Sensitize adults that children play to be made, and not necessarily to satisfy adults or members of the group of their elders.
Encourage participation in the Rugby, making it attractive, safe and enjoyable for all children.
Contribute to all participants rugby understand the responsibilities and implications for the freedom to choose the game fair and unfair.
Code Coach
Be reasonable in their demands of time, energy and enthusiasm of young players. Remember that they have other interests.
Teach your players that the ground rules are mutual agreements that nobody should evade or fail.
Avoid making too much play to the talented players, players' average 'need and deserve equal time.
Remember that children play for entertainment and for fun, and that winning is only one part of it. Never ridiculice or yell at children for making mistakes or because they lose a game.
Be sure that the elements used are appropriate for their run at the age of the same.
The frequency and duration of the training and matches should be commensurate with the age of the children.
Encourage respect for the team to the skills of computer opponent, as well as to the decisions of referees and coaches contrary.
Follow the advice of a physician to determine when an injured player can play again.
Remember that children need a coach which can respect. Be generous with his praise when deserved and give a good example.
Take personal commitment to stay informed about the rules and methods of teaching.
Helping children to understand the differences among the parties that they play and the adult parties who witness or see on TV.
Inculque the critical importance of the participation of its players in the "third time" (The meeting ends just after the "third time").
Parents Code
Rugby practice not compel a child who does not want.
Remember that children participate in rugby for his own amusement, not theirs.
Encourage your child to always play according to the rules.
Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory to effect that the outcome of each match will be accepted without undue disappointment.
Turn defeat into victory by helping your child improve their skills and to be a good athlete. Never ridiculice or yell at your child for making mistakes or because they lose a game.
Remember that children learn best by example. Clap good games and the team's opponent.
Not publicly questioned the referee's decisions and never his honesty.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse of child Rugby.
Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They contribute their time and efforts to provide a recreational activity for their children.
Help your child understand the differences between the parties that they are playing games and adults who witness or see on TV.
Code Referee
Adapt the rules and regulations to the level of skill of the players.
Use common sense to ensure that the spirit of the game, for children, is not lost too interrupting the match.
Actions speak louder than words. Be sure that inside and outside the court his behavior is consistent with the principles of good sportsman.
Praise for his game both teams whenever this is deserved.
Be consistent, objective and courteous.
Order bad move deliberately being little sports, thus preserving respect for fair play.
Understand the personal commitment to remain informed of the full arbitration principles and the principles of growth and development of children.
Do not forget your formative task. Make sure that your failures are covered by the players.
Code Coordinators
Ensure equal opportunity to participate in the Rugby are offered to all children, regardless. Skill, age or other circumstances.
Watch that his club coaches create the opportunities for teaching sportsmanship, the same way they do with the basic skills.
Encourage coaches to develop basic skills and avoid excessive specialization side position during the formative years.
Ensure that element, using appropriate to the age of the children.
The rules and the duration of, planning must take into consideration the age and level of understanding of children.
Distribute a coligo ethics on good athlete among the spectators, coaches, players, referees and parents.
Make sure that parents, coaches, doctors and participants understand their authority and responsibility to play fair in Rugby.
Preocúpese the training of coaches, providing information at your fingertips.
Preocúpese to create conditions for fulfilling the "third time".
Spectator Code
Remember that children involved in organized sports for their own entertainment. They are not there to entretenerlo you. And they are not "Pumas" in miniature.
Show your best behavior. Do not use improper language or harass the players, coaches or referees.
Clap good game of his own team and the visiting team.
Show respect for the opponents of his team. Without them there would be no games.
Never ridiculice nor rete a child for making mistakes during a game.
Condemn the use of violence in all its forms.
Respect the decisions of the referee.
Code for Players
Play for the pleasure of doing so, not just to please, your parents.
Play according to the rules.
Never discutas decisions of the referee.
It controls your character, not gesticules.
Do your best in the same way for your own sake and for that of your team. The performance of your team will improve, as well as yours.
Be good athlete. He applauded every good game, regardless of your own team or the opponent.
Treat all of your colleagues and opponents in the same way you would be treated.
Remember what the purpose of the game is fun, improve skills and feel good. Play for your team.
Cooperates with the coach, colleagues and opponents, because without them it would not be possible to play the game.
Join and enjoy the "third time".
Make friends playing rugby. The results go, friends endure.
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